For any people left at this point who don’t care about perjury, corruption, obstruction of justice, empty scripted hollow cores, socialism, and/or general robotic qualities, or do but still need a little push to be able to back Donald Trump, I am happy to present the ultimate and irrefutable proof, that you would be in pretty awesome company.
Hillary had to bring in Jay z in order to bring in a crowd at her events. He “sang” songs whose lyrics I cannot repeat here, and no he wasn’t in a locker room being secretly taped; he was unapologetically blaring it out. Same guy whose on video some years back hitting a girl. So much for Hillary and women’s rights and lewd language being so offensive to her and all her female supporters. In any event, wanted to show that though Trump does not need the star power to fill his rallies, he certainly has his fair share of famous supporters, with quality over quantity being the name of the game.
This is not by any means a list of celebrities who endorse Trump, but rather a list of those on my approved list, which are people who not only are worth more than a bag of beans and have significantly more to them then simply the fact that they are well known, but in fact are either awesome, an honor to their nation, or at least pretty damn cool (in tiers). Divided up into categories and tiers, and with some significance to the order. A pretty wide net, and a few might really surprise you. So Don’t feel alone.
Chuck Norris

Putin? Come on HRC, everyone knows why FBI Director James Comey changed his mind, Chuck Norris would have roundhouse kicked his face off otherwise.
Don Frye

If you don’t know of him, this man cannot be introduced, nor explained. A man who at the same time is the epitome of humility and can reach heights of pride few others can, the unbreakable, the Predator, the iron willed, one of the last Americans, the one and only Don Frye!
Don Frye (recently given, far overdue, his place in the UFC Hall of Fame) stated that he was happy with either Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, or Carly Fiorina. Kids, if you don’t who Don Frye is, before there were internet memes and serious arguments about how many gender bathrooms schools should have, before there was a person I am told is called justin bieber, and before there was five thousand channels, there was Don Frye, and we watched him dominate the purest sport ever to grace mankind since men last met on the battlefield wielding swords on faint analog channels delivering 50% static and 50% image with static. If you don’t know who he is watch what 2 real men were like back when they still existed. Don Frye and Yoshihiro Takayama (who I am sure also backs Trump haha).
Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood, a man, over 300 years old, who requires absolutely no introduction, and certainly not one from me.
Mr. Eastwood, who pointed out that he gave up money in order to be mayor as opposed to Hillary who became rich while in politics, said he would support Donald Trump over Hillary; and added that the current generation has to stop being such whiners.
Bruce Willis
The man who brought us the modern (post 80’s) action movie is a well-known unashamed Republican in Hollywood, and he seems to be particularly excited about Donald Trump. Willis is still going strong, and none of us can ever forget Die Hard nor John McClain (and I guess I am a lone, but I really loved Hudson Hawk!).
Jean Claude Van Damme
That, and endorse Donald Trump.
Jon Voight

Jon Voight – Legendary Actor and Fearless Man of Principle, immune to the consuming moral relativism that Hollywood.
Danny Aiello

The Unforgettable Danny Aiello
A man who clearly has really lived outside of acting, is an incredible (and underrated) actor, and a real gent, can anyone of our generation forget him in Leon (The Professional)?
Real Life Heroes

Colonel Wesley L. Fox
One of the greatest living Marine Corps legends, and Medal of Honor Recipient.
Colonel Donald Everett Ballard

Colonel Donald Everett Ballard
Made up of stuff that’s just not around anymore, while a corpsman (medical personnel) during the Vietnam War, Ballard casually performed acts of gallantry while under fire that are hard to believe, topped off by jumping on a grenade in order to save the wounded men he was treated. Gd saved him that day, for which he received the Medal of Honor, and he is with us still today, endorsing Donald Trump.
Michael John Fitzmaurice

Specialist Michael John Fitzmaurice
Another Vietnam era recipient of the Medal of Honor, Michael Fitzmaurice was serving as a Specialist Four in the famed 101 Airborne Division. His actions leading to the decoration are the stuff of unrealistic movies. They include throwing 2 hand grenades back at the enemy out of their defensive position which was under heavy attack, and jumping on the third with his flak jacket, in order to save his brothers in arms. The flak jacket saved his life, and the badly wounded Specialist went on the offensive, which included capturing a weapon (another grande damaged his own) from the enemy and defeating an enemy Viet Cong in hand-to-hand combat. Thank you sir!
Sergeant Major Bennie G. Adkins

Sergeant Major Bennie G. Adkins
Another recipient of the Medal of Honor. Sargent (1st class at the time) was serving in the special forces during the Vietnam War, distinguishing himself one occasion in 1966 during 38 hours of close-combat with the North Vietnamese Army at the battle of A Shau. For his awe-inspiring conduct during this battle, he received the Medal of Honor with a citation stating that this incredible warrior killed between 135-175 enemy soldiers during the battle while receiving 18 different wounds to his body.
Major General Sidney Shachnow

Major General Sidney Shachnow
This fine gentleman is not only a highly decorated officer who served in the Special Forces (Green Berets) but also a survivor of the Holocaust. A Jewish boy born in Lithuania, escaped the kovno concentration camp, survived a 2000 mile journey (mostly on foot) to escape the communists after the war, finally finding freedom in the USA enlisted to protect it by serving with her finest, to rise to the rank of Major General. What a journey. Stay with us for a long time General Shachnow.
Donald Trump has been endorsed by many more soldiers and officers with highly distinguished records, including quite a few recipients of the Medal of Honor. Just to briefly mention a few more.
- Ronald E. Rosser – Whose Medal of Honor rivals if not tops any of those cited above in its sheer superhuman gallantry
- Lieutenant Colonel Harold Arthur “Hal” Fritz
- Colonel Walter Joseph “Joe” Marm Jr
- Hershel Woodrow “Woody” Williams – The last surviving recipient of the Medal of Honor from the infamous Battle of Iwo Jima during WWII.
Other Really Cool Celebrities Endorsing Trump

Kristie Alley
James Caan

James Caan, who not only never needs to move his neck to do 1st class acting, but also survived being shot hundreds of times when going to beat up his sister’s sleazebag wife-beating husband, to be here with us supporting Trump. More unusually, he is not only pro-Israel and supporting Trump, but also a Jew, which doesn’t seem to happen much in America.

Robert Duvall, who helped James Caan above whenever he would listen. A real American, and a real mench. And really, these two belonged at the top.
James Woods

James Woods
Kelsey Grammer

Cheer’s own Kelsey Grammer, articulate, intelligent and not afraid to be a Conservative in Hollywood.
Angie Harmon

Angie Harmon, as beautiful as much as a courageous independent thinker.
Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone, usually on our side! No one who enjoyed the 80’s so much couldn’t be!
Steven Seagel

Steven Seagal – Sure, he doesn’t look exactly like that these days, but he is still going strong, and on the right side of this fight.
Kurt Russell

Kurt Russell
Robert Davi

Robert Davi
Gary Busey

Gary Busey – No we couldn’t handle him dying in Point Break (the real one hipsters!), but he is back and with us! (and yes still a bit crazy).
Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger, like many others, was not always thrilled about Trump but knows it’s a no brainer between him and Hillary Clinton.
Adam Sandler

Adam Sandler
Others include Hulk Kogan, Lou Ferrigno, Stephen Baldwin and the Phil Robertson.
Very Cool Celebs who I think either do support Trump or would like to, but did not exactly say so publicly.
Gene Hackman

Gene Hackman – The world’s greatest underrated actor, a former Marine, and as I recall a gent who, in his 70s (at the time.. now it’s hundreds) had no qualms about fighting two rude punks in their 30’s on Sunset Strip.
Kevin Costner
Kevin Costner – He gets a bad rap, don’t know why, I’ve always liked him.
Robert Redford
Vince Vaughn

Vince Vaughn – Usually on the libertarian side (like many others on here).
Sports Figures
Dana White

Dana White
Mike Ditka

Mike Ditka
Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson supports Trump
Tito Ortiz

Tito Ortiz – We lose 5 points due to his endorsement.
Terrell Owens

Terrell Owens
Shaquille O’Neal

Bet you can’t believe this one right, that’s right, Shaquille O’Neal
Others include Tim Tebow and Tom Bradey.
Business Leaders
Sheldon Adelson

Sheldon Adelson – The one and only Mr. Adelson, often the only thing that stands between Soros and his achieving 1000 years of darkness.
Carl Icahn

Carl Icahn
Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson (medicine is close enough to business no?). A fine gentleman.
Steve Forbes
Steve Forbes
Political and philosophical heavyweights (not including any current GOP office holders).
Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich – The legendary, one and only, the captain of the conservative revolution, the historian, leader and patriot… Mr. Speaker.
Rudy Giuliani

America’s Mayor, Mr. Rudy Giuliani
Donald Rumsfeld

The longest serving Secretary of Defense, a man of principle, loyalty and courage, as well as a life long deep thinker.
Dick Cheney

Vice President Dick Cheney, the unshakable and loyal, the man behind the scenes and the man with a plan. Enjoying beautiful Wyoming I am sure, but knows who to back when it comes down to the wire.
Dr. Walter Block

Walter Block – A carrier of the torch of the Austrian School of Economics, Dr. Block is always interesting and even entertaining, inquisitive, and a deep thinker, unafraid to go where the facts and logic take us.
And a couple that might really surprise you
Sean Combs

Sean Combs supports Trump and is a good friend of his.
Dennis Rodman

Dennis Rodman – You’re guess is as good as mine
Kid Rock

Kid Rock – Ok, perhaps not surprising but I had no better category!
And Of Course…

The Last Emperor, Fedor Emelianenko and Donald J Trump. Nuff said.
need I say More?
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